When I started this blog back in May it was my hope that it would be more than just me blathering on about me. I hoped to create a place where I could share what has worked for me, but also a place where the community of working artists could come together to share amongst us all. I’m gratified to find that this is indeed becoming the case. And based on the comments on my last few posts, it is clear that you, my dear readers, aren’t shy about sharing your opinions, whether you agree or disagree with me. Yay! Keep ’em coming.
Thank you for stopping by, for reading, for commenting, and for emailing with your support. It means the world to me.
If you haven’t joined our community yet, you can do so by clicking here and subscribing to the RSS feed. I hope you’ll feel free to add your comments and opinions!
You’re on your way Jason. Keep it up. I just switched to Thesis myself, BTW.