My First Foray Into Filmmaking: “Cat In The Hat”

by Jason on July 31, 2010 · 2 comments

in JPQ Tour

Today, while editing video from the Jason Parker Quartet West Coast Tour, I happened upon a bit of footage I had completely forgotten about. It was shot in Palm Springs at the Ace Hotel and features my lovely and talented wife Darrah Parker.

Darrah joined the band for 2 days in Palm Springs and got a good dose of what it’s like to hang out with 4 guys who’ve been on the road for a while. And I must say, she adapted beautifully! Along the way she made a few keen observations, one of which came about as we were sitting by the swimming pool at the hotel one morning. It was our final morning there and we were all a bit tired after a long previous night of carrying on. While we sat, mostly in silence, she noticed that all four of us were subtly (or not, depending on your perspective) checking out the girls as they walked by in their swimwear. Unheard of, right???

Well, Darrah decided to show us what it looked like, so she put on her shades and my hat and launched into her impression of our behavior.

Thus, my first film was born!

Before you view my masterpiece I should also mention a bit about the term “cat”. If you’ve watched any of the previous videos from the tour you know that my bandmates and I use it all the time. It is a term of endearment in the jazz world, used to signify another jazz musician. It can also be used in a broader sense in relation to anyone who is cool or hip.

With that backstory, I give you “Cat In The Hat”:

Is it any wonder I love my wife?????

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